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Celebrating the Unsung Heroes: Why International Day of the Seafarer Matters

Today, on International Day of the Seafarer, we take a moment in the busy year to celebrate the incredible men and women who keep the world's cruise ships running smoothly. These dedicated professionals navigate vast oceans, ensuring unforgettable experiences for millions of passengers every year.

They Are the Heart of the Cruise Experience

Behind every dazzling show, every delicious meal, and every port adventure stand the seafarers. In our sector, they are the ones who meticulously maintain the shops, prepare the events with passion, and deliver exceptional service with a never failing smile to create lasting memories. Their dedication creates the very atmosphere that makes cruises so special and keeps loyal guests coming back again and again.

Appreciation Breeds Loyalty

International Day of the Seafarer has become such an important moment in recent years in acknowledging the hard work and dedication of onboard cruise retail professionals, and increasingly thanks to such initiatives, we can see a growing sense of appreciation among guests. This recognition translates into passenger loyalty, not just for the retailer, but for the entire cruise line. The frontline staff in cruise retail are an invaluable part of the overall experience and essential for the success. And Day of the Seafarer is a great way to help

People Buy People

Cruise retailing works as a strong part of the overall offer on a cruise ship not because of the look and feel of the shops, not by the different products that are offered. But because of the people experience. Cruise passengers love to have an intimate, unique, personal and memory creating time in the shops onboard. And ultimately it is the seafarers in the shops that make this come to life. It has always been the essential ingredient, and it always will be the essential ingredient of our industry.

Why It Matters

Too often this incredible contribution goes overlooked. We focus on the shops, the brands, the experiences, the events. But we always need to acknowledge that true success in cruise retail can only come with motivated, engaged, professional shoppies. But after all of this, is it enough to acknowledge this only one day a year?

Simple answer..... of course not!

We have to bring the community of cruise retail together to really celebrate the contribution at the moment it happens, the success when it occurs, the personal growth when achieved, the hard work when completed and the challenges when faced as much as we can in real time.

So, making everyday an International Day of the Seafarer is a real aim of ours at the Cruise Retail Academy. We want to find, support and mentor the best talent in our industry and be there at the key moments. And to do this, we have really ensure that the voice of the shoppie is strong, well heard and appreciated!

Seafarers, today is your day! And everyday can be your day also!


1 Comment

Makes me proud to be a crew member ❤️⚓️

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