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As a young business that is entering into an industry that is trying to enact real change and commitment, we promise to do the following from the get-go:


  1. Promote sustainable learning and training methods in our industry, through the promotion of online learning, development and the reduction in the level of physical travel needed between locations.

  2. Promote and showcase ethically focused and sustainability oriented suppliers as a priority.  We will ensure that all suppliers that have achieved 'B-corp' certification are highlighted on our website also.

  3. Ensure that sustainability is covered as a consistent training topic on all relevant sessions by brands and suppliers, ensuring that it is a 'normal' element of training, rather than an 'exceptional' element

  4. Coming soon! From 2025 onwards, carbon offset all our business travel and make specific detail of this on our annual report.

  5. Coming soon! Strive to achieve 'B-corp' certification within 3 years of our setup.

  6. Coming soon! Partner on CSR actives that will make an active difference to improve life and opportunity.

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